In the next stage for PARADISE LOST, Grind Arts is presenting a workshop production as part of LPAC's Rough Draft Festival.
Performances were March 28th and 29th at 7pm on the Mainstage at LaGuardia Performing Arts Center.
Grind Arts is currently developing a multi-medium, immersive musical experience from John Milton's epic poem PARADISE LOST, which chronicles Lucifer falling from heaven, and tempting man away from Eden.
Artistic director Eamon Foley gathered 10 artists of different disciplines to explore this text and discover how dance, music, and emerging technologies can be used to tell this story in a most vibrant, contemporary manor.
Written and Directed by Eamon Foley, Composed by Natti Vogel, "Song for M" by Evan Crommett.
Proof of concept for a new dance film in three parts that explores the music of Spring Awakening as pure dance.
Directed, choreographed, and filmed by Eamon Foley
Danced by Corey Snide, Trent Kowalik, Kaitlyn Edgar, Justin Mock, and Clinton Edward